La la la la… See the agri sector? Been highlighted in the group chat by someone…CPF/GFPT/TFG have moved well. Everything else still dead…jebus… Upcoming story…starting in October – a massive amount of liquidity will hit the Thai economy as the government spending starts. And now if this comes with the digital wallet….could it? would it? […]

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SET Index vs VN Index (absolute) I’ve been hearing jokes about when will the VN Index “number” will beat the SET “number” ramp up in the past few months. Well the Vietnam index data starts in 2001 and you can see that it’s not going to be the first time that Vietnam’s index “number” will […]

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I’m still of the viewpoint that 2H>1H, which will break the usual trend that we’ve seen since Prayuth & friends came in. Far higher probability that the market is nearer to 1,500 than 1,200 from here. Why? Government spending is finallllllllllly back, and at 1.5x the speed due to the budget effectively doubling up => […]

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