ADVANC: Supreme Administrative Court concluded that co., is not obligated to pay Bt 16.252b additional rev share from roaming service claimed by National Telecom. Comment: Yayyy and this why they got the go ahead for the “amalgamation”  (Note: I’m catching up on Thai company news on the 17th evening on an airplane) SEC has accused […]

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ADVANC’s expected to report robust 2Q driven by strong ARPU aft removed low-cost data plans & wider handset margin due to lower handset subsidies, upside from cross selling strategies and sim card sales on tourism recovery. Comment: The telco’s are reducing service quality, cutting costs, increasing fees…they’re going to mint it – their only risk […]

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ADVANC signed GULF 1 to produce electricity from solar (off-grid project) at 20 base stations, target completion by end of year, aims to expand coverage in remote area & save electricity cost. Comment: I thought ADVANC needs a higher EBITDA to pay divvy’s to GULF to fund all the power projects it won. BKIH: BKI […]

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ADVANC reports 1Q after closes, Bt7.22b consensus, on higher ARPU. BTG sets up Betagro Ventures a new corporate venture arm to incubate new food and agriculture tech ventures, expecting to spur innovation across its ecosystem. Comment: They’ve run out of ideas.. BGRIM sets up B.Grim Power Future Solution (BGPFS) to jointly invest in 80mw solar […]

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ADVANC: reported inbound roamer +38% yoy during Songkran fest (Apr 12-15) thanks to surged international arrivals during long holidays; whereas, broadband data usage +15.78% yoy. Comment: GULF could create their own internal Hedge fund to trade off all the data that they can see from ADVANC + THCOM + all the power projects.. BAM: cod […]

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AAV eyes 20m FY24 passenger target, supported by improved traffic to China on the back of visa wavier scheme (93 flights/week vs 83 in 4Q23), larger fleet size yoy (60 aircrafts vs 56 in FY23), new route from Taipei-Okinawa, Taipei-Osaka, Kaohsiung-Narita start from 2Q. ADVANC and TRUE are awaiting NBTC’s draft auction planned for 3 […]

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ADVANC 4Q net profit @ Bt7.36b vs Bt7.485b estimate, FY @ Bt29b, +12% yoy vs Bt29.3b consensus, pays Bt4.61 dps XD Feb 19, AGM Mar 25. APURE targets record high revenue this year >Bt3b driven by larger sweet corn exports volume to US, Japan & Saudi Arabia, improved orders feeding from hotels & F&B clients […]

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AOT sets Bt6.66b to revamp 3 airports transferred from Department of Airport including Buriram, Krabi & U-don-Thani, will officially operate from 3Q24 (Apr-Jun). Comment: You won’t recognise these airports after they’re done. I’ve seen the improvements in some of the recently done airports, it’s just great. ADVANC is in talks with OR and a digital […]

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ADVANC mulls adding more partners to join point reward programme, aims to draw more BB & mobile subscribers, lower marketing exp, expand ecosystem & enhance revenue upside from existing customers. AEONTS signed partnership with FWD Life Insurance to be selling agent for FWD products via AEONTS’s branches. BCH, CHG, and BDMS are prime beneficiaries after […]

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AH target 10-12% FY24 revenue growth driven by 3 jv with strategic partners in auto parts biz group, clean exhaust system under partnership with Purem by Eberspaecher, upside from 4-5 EV parts deals and Isuzu plans to use Thailand to be EV hub. Comment: It has zero net volume growth to AH. Instead people should […]

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