1. NBTC sets auction date for 2 orbital slots on Sept 21, cuts starting price from Bt374m to Bt41m for 50.5 E & Bt189m to Bt23m for 142 E, increases min incentive to government 2.5% p.a. and +0.25% for an additional increase on each round, bid submission on Aug 20, announces qualified bidders on Sept 18.
  2. Govt hopes for big B4bn Pride spend: Pride Month activities are likely to attract 860,000 visitors and pump about 4 billion baht into the economy next month, according to the government.
  3. The Finance Ministry wants to reduce its shareholding in certain stocks, building up state coffers.: Review may reduce shareholdings. As of May 21, the ministry holds shares in 13 companies worth a total value of 1.19 trillion baht. The Finance Ministry wants to review its shareholdings in stocks, aiming to adjust its asset portfolio and sell some shares to build up state coffers. Deputy Finance Minister Paopoom Rojanasakul ordered the State Enterprise Policy Office to review the ministry’s shareholding in stocks to determine a portfolio of assets the government should hold, according to sources familiar with the matter.
  4. Wage hike to benefit migrants, says FTI: The government must reconsider its controversial plan to increase the daily minimum wage to 400 baht nationwide as much of the money would go to migrant workers rather than help boost the domestic economy, says the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI).
  5. Foreign buyers drive Q1 condo sales: The condo market still has to rely on foreign demand as total transfers in the first quarter were mainly driven by foreign buyers, whose proportion rose to the highest in history, according to the Real Estate Information Center (REIC). Vichai Viratkapan, acting directorgeneral of REIC, said the number and value of condo units nationwide transferred to foreigners in the first quarter of 2024 rose by 4.3% and 5.2% year-onyear, respectively, to 3,938 units worth 18 billion baht.
  6. The cabinet approved a raft of new measures to attract more tourists, includes visa-free and visa-on-arrival schemes for visitors from more countries, and lower health insurance requirements for individuals over the age of 50. Number of countries eligible for visa-free rose to 93 from 57 and visa-on-arrival to 31 from 19.
  7. The cabinet approved a new budget bill worth Bt3.75trnl for the 2025 fiscal year, starting Oct 1 and ending Sept 30 next year, in which Bt160b is set aside to partially fund its Bt500b digital money handout scheme. Public debt is expected to hit 65.7% of GDP this fiscal year and then climb as high as 68.9% by 2027 vs 70% legal cap.
  8. Thai Condo Association asks BOT to cancel LTV rule, haven’t seen any speculation in property market for several year, expecting 10% fall in prop mkt this year.
  9. Global market intelligence, International Data Corp (IDC), sees biggest spender on AI software in TH market was financial services account for 27.1% of total spending on AI software as banks rapidly adopted new tech to enhance services thru features such as chatbots, product recommendations & fraud detection, manufacturers made up 19.7% of total spending commonly used for predictive maintenance, QC, supply chain optimization, carbon foot print reduction in factory environment, while government logged 3rd top spender on AI software account for 14.7% of total spending for e-government services.
  10. Cabinet approves B3.75 trillion budget bill for fiscal 2025: The cabinet yesterday approved a new budget bill worth 3.75 trillion baht for the 2025 fiscal year, starting Oct 1 and ending Sept 30 next year, in which 160 billion baht is set aside to partially fund the government’s 500-billion-baht digital money handout scheme, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin said.

Bonus 7

  1. Land and building tax collection to tally B43bn this year: The capital has completed 99.4% of its land usage assessments, covering 2.1 million plots of land, 2.2 million houses and 1 million condo units. The Finance Ministry expects collection of the land and building tax this year to total 43 billion baht, 8 billion higher than last year as the tax discount is discontinued.
  2. The Attorney-General has decided to indict former PM Thaksin on lese majesty and computer crime charges arising from an interview in 2015, sending shockwaves through the government in which Thaksin is widely regarded as a key behind-the-scenes figure.
  3. Finance Ministry has pitched shortening the duration for bad debtors to remain on the National Credit Bureau’s 8 years blacklist (5 year blacklist + 3 year record keeping), allowing them to access new borrowing opportunities sooner.
  4. The attorney general’s decision to indict former PM Thaksin on lese majesty charges is the result of Thaksin failing to honor a deal with the old power groups that still hold sway in Thai politics, political observers.
  5. National Credit Bureau (NCB) says it has the authority to reduce the time bad debtors remain on its credit blacklist, currently 8 years, with the decision resting with the Committee for the Protection of Credit Information.
  6. Finance Ministry’s plan to reinstate LTF tax saving fund wud help reduce volatility from short selling and curb capital outflow of Bt40-50b to the SET, said SCB CIO.
  7. Credit bureau chief clarifies changes to blacklist rules: The National Credit Bureau (NCB) says it has the authority to reduce the time bad debtors remain on its credit blacklist, currently eight years, with the decision resting with the Committee for the Protection of Credit Information. Bangkok Post

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