CPF: announced buyback, up to 200m shares (2.32% of paid-up) under Bt5b budget from Dec 19 till Jun 18,23.

Comment: I suppose that this makes sense, given that no one else wants to buy their shares….

DTCENT: GPS tracking product, software & service solutions, DTC Enterprise, debut IPO 305m shares at Bt2.86 apiece, Capital One leads.

Comment: Sounds interesting, but how is this software any different from having a smartphone w/ google maps and a simple software layer on top?

SEAFCO: reported 8 foundation work project signed in Dec total Bt1.25b, lifting backlog to 2-yr high at Bt3.19b.

Comment: They are just the continual winners in the market space.

VGI: local fund, BBLAM, raised holding to 0.0982% to 5.0088% on Dec 13.

Comment: Explains the share price movement, wouldn’t be surprised to see this back to pre-covid levels in a year..

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