Stocks in the news (crc, leo, rojna, spali, thg) 28.11.24
CRC plans to allocate higher marketing budget for equity and sustainable campaigns, shifting from price promotion, after latest initiative raised >Bt2.5m for Cardiac Children Foundation on TH.
Comment: Can we drop the use of the word “sustainable”, what on earth is a sustainable marketing campaign?
LEO sees solid 4Q on revenue recognitions from various new business, 3rd self-storage, wine-storage, and logistic rail transports to China.
ROJNA has increased stake in PHG by 19.36% and now holds 24.5%, no impact on operation.
SPALI mulls buying more than Bt8b worth of landbank it planned earlier, thanked to favorable price due to weak economy, and its financial strength, low D/E and steady dividend payment over past 10 years
Comment: They have the balance sheet, cash flow etc possible….normally in bangkok you don’t read about land prices dropping…landowners are incredibly sticky, perhaps, just perhaps, given how weak the domestic economy is bargains may be made.
SET found that there were more than 10 cases where THG share were pledged as loan collateral, some had led to loan default and forced sale, both on and off the Exchange.
Comment: He had the reputation for leveraging everything…
peter satrapa-binder
CRC sustainable: ‘sustainable’ is one of the most important words in this decade, automatically upgrading the value of any deed done in its name – whatever the context would be, even if it’s totally nonsensical! 🙂
Well put