AAV sees lower demand during 2Q & 3Q on seasonal, avg load factor of domestic mkt dropped to 90% in 2Q vs 94% yoy, international routes at 90% in 2Q up from 83% yoy, urges govt to consider reducing jet fuel tax from current Bt 4.726/l to lower travel costs for domestic tourists, will open […]

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AAV expects record earnings from core operations this year as a surge in overseas visitors boosts seat demand and airfares, plans adding more flights to China and India, its major driver for growth. Comment: Record earnings? With a smaller fleet? Yes folks you read that right, they’re stuffing us into their old planes, running high […]

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AAV: launches new route from KL to Chiang Rai northern TH, with 3 weekly flights starting Nov 2. BCPG: is expected to book Bt2.3b gains in 2Q from disposal of Bt10.37b Japan solar project to Denmark-based renewable co., Obton. CBG: reaffirms solid 2Q from robust domestic sales growth supported by market-share gains after competitor raised […]

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AAV will introduce direct flights from BKK to Indian city Tiruchirappalli in southern India, start on Sept 21 with 3 weekly flights, expects robust growth as Indian travelers make up 80-90% passenger of flights between India and TH with load factors avg at 88% , indicating India’s huge market potential. Comment: It’s time for incredible […]

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AAV upbeats FY24 earnings as TH-China flights jumped 3 fold following visa wavier became effective, upside from BKK (DMK) – Beijing route, mulls adding 3k seats domestic & international flights to capture travel demand during Songkran festive in Apr, aims to keeps LCC market share within 35-40% range, lower exp on interest & aircraft upgrade […]

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AAV eyes 20m FY24 passenger target, supported by improved traffic to China on the back of visa wavier scheme (93 flights/week vs 83 in 4Q23), larger fleet size yoy (60 aircrafts vs 56 in FY23), new route from Taipei-Okinawa, Taipei-Osaka, Kaohsiung-Narita start from 2Q. ADVANC and TRUE are awaiting NBTC’s draft auction planned for 3 […]

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AAV’s upbeat FY24 outlook from higher traffic from international route on visa free policy, new routes to Shianghai, Kaohsiung & Okinawa, target 20% FY revenue growth, cabin factor within 90% range, 20-21m FY passenger target. Comment: It’s going to continue getting better. The only q for AAV is how much of the increased costs can […]

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AAV’s introducing new route from BKK (DMK) to India seaside city Visakhapatnam, tally total to 10 routes btw India and BKK, cod from Apr 9,24. Comment: Looks like they are pulling tourists from TH to India. AWC partner with PTT to install EV charging stations across 17 affiliated property including hotels, shopping centers & community […]

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AirAsia has announced the merger of AirAsia and AirAsia X, making SEA a multi-hub for aviation while targeting TH as its hub for flights to Europe. Comment: Doesn’t appear to have a real impact on the thai listed entity. HL said its 50 drug stores are in Easy E-Receipt program, sees rising 1Q24 revenue growth […]

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AAV: boost domestic flights from 87 to 105/d to accommodate travel demand on holiday season. Comment: This will go some way to alleviating high domestic ticket prices, and the scale increase should help AAV. ASIAN: cuts full year revenue target to Bt9.7b -14% yoy, weak topline on sluggish frozen food sales outweigh improve tuna export […]

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