So this came across our desks this morning that the government has proposed a National Reform Council , scroll below for the details.

Random thoughts time, now doesn’t this make more sense versus a “People’s council” that Suthep and the protestors support? Remember Suthep says the Peoples Council will have gooooooooooooooooood people incharge of the country, this National Reform Council actually breaks it down as to who the participants will be.

We still have a wonderfully undemocratic Democrat Party in Thailand that refuses to take part in an election, because they know they’ll lose…Well they could simply have taken advantage of the botched rice scheme and garner more votes, they could have gone more around the country instead of just staying in Bangkok and garner more voters, Democrats you donkeys, you were getting  closer in the polls, one more cock up like the rice scheme by Mr. T’s party and you could actually win, you could have even …. argh no comment, it’s the holidays 🙂

 The selection process of the council would begin with the recruitment of 2,000 representatives from various professions, who would themselves decide on a shortlist of 499.

An 11-member committee would oversee the process, including examining their qualifications, to ensure fairness and transparency.

  • The 11-members would include

a)     The Supreme Commander or a representative

b)    Two permanent secretaries nominated among themselves

c)     The head of the National Economic and Social Development Board

d)    One university rector chosen by the Council of University Presidents of Thailand

e)     The Chairman of the Thai Chamber of Commerce

f)     The head of the Federation of Thai Industries

g)    The Chairman of the Thai Bankers Association

h)     The other three members would be nominated by these eight members – a chairman and two experts

  • The council would

a)     Study amendments to the constitution

b)    Propose economic and social restructuring plans

c)     Propose ways to improve the people’s participation in public administration

d)    Recommend amendment or abrogation of laws and other regulations to ensure fairness and transparency in all elections

e)     Recommend selection of officials for various positions to end abuse of authority

Propose measures to end corruption and misconduct in state agencies

Improve decentralization of power and local government

  • The proposals would be forwarded to the PM and disclosed to the public for transparency.
  • The timeframe for the process would be determined by the council.
  • Its proposals will be carried out by the new government.

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