BCP: SSO raised holding by 0.1418% to 15.0493% on Jul 2. MAGURO mulls adding 11 branches in 2H aft opened 3 outlets early this year, targets key cities to capture int’l travelers. Comment: Let’s see if MAGURO becomes a decent ZEN play part 2 MINT reported Bt8b sustainability-linked bonds, paying 3.24% & 3.5% on 5 […]

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BCP expects earnings bottoming out in 2Q from 27 days maintain shut down at Prakanong refinery & 5 weeks at Statfjord O&G EP field, anticipates 3Q recover from higher output & improved crude oil processing rate per day. Comment: And it’s being added back to the big boy index. BEM: transport minister mulls extending toll […]

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AMATA reaffirms solid turnaround, multiple industrial land sales contract pending to sign in the pipeline, 50% out of Bt14.2b backlog to realize this year, price hike at Chonburi & Rayong (Bt11m/rai & Bt4.5m/rai) boost margin. Comment: China + 1 (or as we say…GTFO of China strategy) helps everyone BCP: SSO cuts holding by 0.1106% to […]

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ADVANC: Central Admin Court dismissed National Telecom (NT)’s petition to claim Bt16.2b additional revenue share from roaming service from ADVANC. NT is eligible to file an appeal within 30 days. Comment: There goes the neighbourhood gents, privatisation of all decent assets in Thailand continues. BBL: collaboration with OR to provide green loan, Bualuang Green Solar […]

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AAV: boost domestic flights from 87 to 105/d to accommodate travel demand on holiday season. Comment: This will go some way to alleviating high domestic ticket prices, and the scale increase should help AAV. ASIAN: cuts full year revenue target to Bt9.7b -14% yoy, weak topline on sluggish frozen food sales outweigh improve tuna export […]

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AMA upbeats 2H outlook from strong tankers transporting on high season, sees qtd utilization rate at 96-97% vs 95% yoy, expects road transport utilization rate pick up to 85% from 80% end of FY22 driven by logistic demand from PTG, eyes 20-25% FY revenue growth target. Comment: Could be worth a look as PTG has […]

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ADVANC sold 33.33% of e-wallet Rabbit Line Pay to Line man (TH) & Line Company (TH), VGI also purged 33.33% to both parties. Comment: Looks like digital wallets and all these “fancy” things actually don’t make $….who woulda thunk it. BAFS maintain 4.2b FY jet refueling volume target +40% yoy from 2.99B FY22, sees rev […]

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AOT: Cambodia LCC, Sky Angkor, resumed twice-daily flights to BKK (DMK) from Aug 25. ASIAN’s exploring exporting seafood products to China after it imposed ban on Japan products, sees 3Q turnaround from higher sales to US & EU, wider margin from higher utilization rate, expects pet food pick up in 4Q. Comment: Well the Chinese […]

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ANAN mulls 5 new remedy options for Ashton Asoke for court consideration. Comment: The CEO & Board should be sued by shareholders, they lied pre-covid that this issue was resolved. DMT reaffirms 30% FY revenue growth target driven by strong tollway traffic, target FY average daily traffic >110k trips/day. BCP board approved Bt9.30-Bt9.70/share for ESSO […]

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BCP: SSO raised holding by 0.0392% to 15.0103% on Aug 2, SEC filing. Comment: Good I sold to them, thank you. CIMBT: sees mortgage demand for resales property and NPA increase as high new house price and tight purchasing power boost demand. EA: expects to report stellar 2Q from delivery of 600 E-Bus, commercial EV […]

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