Notable Transactions Buy(s) THB 370 mn BANPU – Again another purchase by BANPU’s management LH – Looks like they are selling the common stock and purchasing the warrant TYM – Another backdoor listing perhaps? Sell(s) THB 478 mn LH – See above MACO – Most likely linked to VGI NYT – NYT has a wonderful […]

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 BH/BJCHI/MEGA/NYT/TTCL MSCI will be calculating BH in its MSCI Global Standard starting May 30, while BJCHI, MEGA, NYT, and TTCL will be calculated in the MSCI Global Small Cap. (Khao Hoon, 16/05/14) Comment: Fantastic news for all companies involved especially the new ones BJCHI n MEGA‎ BKI BKI reported net profit of Bt627mn in 1Q14 and pay DPS […]

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ADVANC AIS says 3G network covers 95% – Advanced Info Service (AIS), the country’s largest mobile operator, says it completed nationwide deployment of its third-generation (3G) network two years ahead of the deadline set by the national regulator. Average revenue per 3G user is 20-30% higher than a 2G customer. AIS expects 75% of its […]

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So the automotive industry in Thailand is dying? Well the largest automotive car maker in Europe, Volkswagen, has recently applied to set up its first plant in Thailnd under the government scheme that requires car makers to invest at least THB 6.5 bn and that annual production must reach 100,000 cars in the fourth year […]

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AOT To set up infrastructure fund — AOT will set up an infrastructure fund worth Bt60bn to build a new passenger terminal for Suvanabhumi Phase 2 and renovate and improve Don Muang and Phuket airports to prepare for an increase in the number of tourists. (Khao Hoon, 21/01/14) Comment: We heard about this idea over the weekend, […]

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AMATA New contracts to boost 4Q13 land sales — AMATA expects land sales in 4Q13 to surge, boosted by new contract signing. Currently, the company has 2,000 rai land ready to be transferred, and it is keeping its year end target land sales of 3,000 rai. It said it aims to invest in an industrial […]

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DNA to purchase retail business — DNA is waiting on the approval from its board members today for the acquisition of a retail business, which expects to cost Bt100mn, and also to increase its investment budget for the acquisition of a satellite TV businesses by more than Bt50mn, on top of the Bt300mn budget already […]

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