AUCT sees positive earnings momentum carry thru 2H as finance institution purging repossessed vehicles before end of year, target FY vehicles traffic thru auction yard w/in 200k-250k units. Comment: Earnings is not going to be an issue for AUCT for the next 2 years. ERW to open talk with landlord, The Syndicate of Thai Hotels […]

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AUCT: sees robust traffic thru auction yard upcountry, seeks to expand network to accommodate >48k vehicles p.a. Comment: They are minting it! BTG mulls up pet food production capacity to 110k tpa to fill local & overseas demand, launches premium PET food (Perfecta Holistic Grain Free) to boost sales, target 10% CAGR over the next […]

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Random Thoughts…given I read a tonne of research papers…notes…etc…I’m going to start dumping thoughts, notes here, will try to source/date…remember don’t invest based upon my ramblings, instead follow the worst piece of advice ever created by the investment industry…do your own homework. Emphasis always mine. Source/date: Tchart (maybe?) 8 April 2024 DMK Duty Free Space […]

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AUCT is expected to report big jump 2H driven by vehicle registration fees thru auction yard, revenue from vehicles transfer and acceleration of traffic from repossesses vehicles purge by financial institution by end of year, Tabloid. Comment: Just go through KKP’s MD&A and you’ll see that there are still a lot of cars to be […]

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ASIMAR wins ship building contract from Royal Thai Navy valued at Bt885m. Comment: Gov contracts kicking off. AUCT expects vehicles traffic thru auction yard accelerates as financial institution keen to purge repossessed vehicles by end of year, collab with Bank of Agri (BAAC) to open used car auction to serve bank customers, sees opportunity to […]

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AGE is open for talks with new business partners, on 3 main businesses, logistics, alternative energy, and other sustainable business, after securing a 23.45% stake in QTC, sees growth in 2Q, especially coal business, after recoding 1.06m tons sales in 1Q, on track to meet 5.2m tons FY23 target. Comment: Coal demand isn’t disappearing, it […]

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ASIAN: local fund, KSAM, cuts holding by 0.0399% to 4.9908% on Jun 12. Comment: Taking advantage of the price recovery and/or doubting the potential upside should the industry recover? AUCT reaffirms solid 2Q from robust traffic thru auction yards on surging repossessed vehicles from financial institution, expects positive momentum continue in 2H. Comment: They are […]

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AUCT upbeats on surging traffic thru auction yard driven by declining used cars price and larger volume of repossessed vehicles as banks clearing up NPLs. Comment: Urgh…was looking at this name again 2 months ago and it just jumped…well positioned to benefit from the higher number of vehicles going through their system BCH sees big […]

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AOT expects to see total passengers thru its 6 airports this fiscal year, ending September 23, at 95.7m, a 68% recovery vs pre-covid, and sees 141.57m in next fiscal year, which is at 99% of pre-covid level in 2019. Comment: Same story…..let’s see in 12 months AUCT upbeats FY23 outlook from strong traffic at auction […]

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AUCT sees positive momentum thru auction yard driven by repossessed vehicles from auto title loan segment, eyes 5-10% revenue growth target next year. Comment: The selling price of the cars don’t matter, what matters is volume for AUCT. But remember all those years ago how they talked about they could potentially apply their skillset to […]

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