AUCT: sees robust traffic thru auction yard upcountry, seeks to expand network to accommodate >48k vehicles p.a. Comment: They are minting it! BTG mulls up pet food production capacity to 110k tpa to fill local & overseas demand, launches premium PET food (Perfecta Holistic Grain Free) to boost sales, target 10% CAGR over the next […]

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7UP appointed former police commissioner, Somyot Poompanmoung, to be chair of the board, effective March 30. Comment: Oh happy corruption times, what share transfers, business transfer etc etc are we going to see here. HENG target 30% loan growth, Bt12b loanbook target by end of year from Bt9.2b FY21, will add 100 branches to expand […]

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7UP sees rising water sales in Phuket, after Provincial Waterworks Authority cancelled 7 contracts with 7 private firms with 18K m3/day contracts, while water treatment contract with CPF sees solid growth, firm on 50% revenue growth this year. BJC launches BIGC vending machines, target factory workers, industrial estates, hospitals. CHAYO target FY21 revenue growth >25% […]

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7UP: Advance Capital partner cuts holding by 11.9023% to 2.9284% of total outstanding last Friday (January 22.) Comment: And that means that this odd listed co has no major shareholder. Though someone must’ve taken the block from Advance Capital. Look at the Board, dodgy characters… COM7 teams up Shopee to roll out online campaign, Shopee […]

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7UP paid Bt50m for 3 bio-mass PP in the South with 6MW capacity, CODs next year.Comments: So the values of PP’s have dropped tremendously since their highs of 80-100 mn baht / MW in 2012 AMANAH sees positive loan growth 2Q driven by demand from auto loans, will accelerate sales on seized vehicles in 2H […]

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