ASAP reaffirms big jump 4Q supported by robust car rental on holiday season, S-Curve from 51% holding in Changan EV dealership business (Eternity@One), expects 1k vehicles bk during 2 week event, Motor Expo 2023, Nov 30-Dec 11, firms on Bt3.8b FY revenue target, will add 45 showrooms next year. Comment: I’ve enjoyed my conversations w/ […]

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BGRIM cod 140mw co-gen powerplant Bgrim Power Ang Thong 3 (BGPAT3), lift total capacity to 3,970mw from coded project. CHAYO mulls selling IPO of nano finance subsidiary, Chayo Capital (CCAP), up to 25% of paid-up, enable to CCAP to access various form of funding by themselves, flexibility in accessing funding sources, increases growth opportunity thru […]

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What a rubbish market. There’s not much else I can say. But it’s just been a rubbish market. Earnings season done. Will post on it later. But if credit growth is negative/flat, well that doesn’t bode well for the rest of the year, and unless parliament approves a lot of stimuli, this country’s consumer/economy is […]

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