BBL reports Bt11.81b 2Q24 Net profit, +4.5% yoy, on rise in net interest income from rising yields on earnings assets and growth in business loans, beats Bt10.77b consensus. BBL signed MOU with BEM to provide project funding for Bt139b orange line MRT project. Comment: Oh You’re saying that focusing on the core business and not […]

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AH sees rising opportunity for EV parts orders and Changan dealership shows strong growth, sets Bt800m capex this year. Comment: Sure – but again – total volume growth isn’t there, it’s just replacement for the domestic market. BAFS sets Bt1.2b capex for project to connect pipeline with Thappline in Bang Pa-in, contract by 1H24 and […]

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BAFS sees 1Q jet refueling vol +17% yoy, expects positive momentum carry thru 2Q supported by travel demand during Songkran holiday. Comment: And it continues to grow and grow and grow. BDMS invests in TH healthcare start-up, CARIVA, for AI-driven personalized diagnosis, provides precision healthcare thru AI interpretation of lab tests, genomics and disease diagnosis, […]

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ASAP reaffirms big jump 4Q supported by robust car rental on holiday season, S-Curve from 51% holding in Changan EV dealership business (Eternity@One), expects 1k vehicles bk during 2 week event, Motor Expo 2023, Nov 30-Dec 11, firms on Bt3.8b FY revenue target, will add 45 showrooms next year. Comment: I’ve enjoyed my conversations w/ […]

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ADVANC sold 33.33% of e-wallet Rabbit Line Pay to Line man (TH) & Line Company (TH), VGI also purged 33.33% to both parties. Comment: Looks like digital wallets and all these “fancy” things actually don’t make $….who woulda thunk it. BAFS maintain 4.2b FY jet refueling volume target +40% yoy from 2.99B FY22, sees rev […]

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AOT mulls hiking passenger service charge (PSC) from current Bt100 and Bt700, for domestic and international, Tabloid. Comment: Monopolies are great. And they have every right to do so given the higher cost of everything today. BAFS mulls revising up full year jet fuel sales volume from current 4.2b litres after logged 1.069b litres in […]

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ASIAN: local fund, KSAM, cuts holding by 0.0399% to 4.9908% on Jun 12. Comment: Taking advantage of the price recovery and/or doubting the potential upside should the industry recover? AUCT reaffirms solid 2Q from robust traffic thru auction yards on surging repossessed vehicles from financial institution, expects positive momentum continue in 2H. Comment: They are […]

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ALL will make partial payment of bond interest due, account for 20% of interest amount due on Monday to avoid default. Comment: They are bankrupt, this is just technical bs BAFS reaffirms big jump this year from strong jet refueling service rev on improved traffic, sees positive momentum carry thru 2Q on tight summer flight […]

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AEONTS anticipates solid 4Q22 (eo-Feb23) driven by higher card spending from shopping tax rebate stimulus, lower LLP after purged bad debts last year. Comment: It doesn’t seem to what how slow or fast the economy is growing, AEONTS continues to grow its equity year after year. ALL defaulted on a bond’s Bt10.7m interest payment yesterday, […]

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AOT is expected to gain 6.5m passenger after adding 3 airports to management (Udon Thani, Krabi and Buri Ram), translated to 5-6% profit upside, Tabloid. Comment: Thailand’s airport system is actually rather fantastic. Go fly around Europe or the US, a shambles in comparison. BAFS sees clear sign of recovery this year, sets 3,000m liter […]

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