ASK targets 5% FY24 loan growth from Bt75b outstanding loanbook at end of FY23, aims to protect market position of leading new commercial vehicle HP, expands title loan product to boost yield, expects FY24 NPL edge below 5% from current 5.2% at end of 1Q. Comment: Wasn’t this the company that raised a tonne of […]

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BAFS sees 1Q jet refueling vol +17% yoy, expects positive momentum carry thru 2Q supported by travel demand during Songkran holiday. Comment: And it continues to grow and grow and grow. BDMS invests in TH healthcare start-up, CARIVA, for AI-driven personalized diagnosis, provides precision healthcare thru AI interpretation of lab tests, genomics and disease diagnosis, […]

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BDMS expects AI to be vital role in lung cancer diagnosis & treatment, which helps analyze images, providing multi-cancer risk screening for early detection thru blood tests that can identify circulating tumor, enables doctors to detect development of early-stage lung cancer, lead to better outcomes & increase chance of survival. Comment: Aging expensive doctors are […]

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BDMS sees >3% revenue growth this year on rising patients both local and foreign, with the latter account for 30%, its normal level. Comment: BDMS is too large to grow revenues at this point beyond price increases. CPAXT’s interested in joining government’s digital wallet scheme, sets 20% revenue growth target next year, mulls hybrid model […]

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AKR anticipates positive earnings momentum continue thru next year driven by rising demand for transformer from property & solar rooftop project, aims to fill EPC backlog from Bt300m current bidding, 50% out of Bt350m backlog to realize this year, maintain 15% FY revenue growth target. Comment: The demand for transformers and substations are going to […]

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ADVANC rolls out iPhone 15 bundle package to boost ARPU, mulls expanding 5G coverage after obtained 700 MHz from NT lifts capacity from 2 x 15MHz to 2 x 20MHz, aims to boost marketshare up country. Comment: And every isheep shall proclaim how USB-C is the greatest gift to mankind and the rest of us […]

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Kia is considering building a car factory in TH capacity 250k units p.a., may sign agreement with government for plant construction as early as this year, Maeil Business Newspaper. positive WHA & AMATA. Comment: Ahhh finally a non CCP related company…. BDMS: holders approved raising foreign ownership limit to 30% from current 25% of total […]

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