ADVANC reports 1Q after closes, Bt7.22b consensus, on higher ARPU. BTG sets up Betagro Ventures a new corporate venture arm to incubate new food and agriculture tech ventures, expecting to spur innovation across its ecosystem. Comment: They’ve run out of ideas.. BGRIM sets up B.Grim Power Future Solution (BGPFS) to jointly invest in 80mw solar […]

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AOT sets Bt9b capex to expand East terminal, adding 66k sq.m. to up SIA capacity to 60m psx p.a. from current 45m, expects to open bid within Apr-May, begin construction in July, target completion within 2 years. AOT’s expected to report after close Bt5.1b 1Q24 (ending Dec 23) consensus. Comment: People forget that AOT had […]

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ADVANC reported 3Q net profit @ Bt6.37b, -2% yoy vs Bt6.54b consensus, subscribers rose to 43.7m, BB topped 1.6m subscribers, ARPU slightly drop from competitive air time package, will start digital lending venture with SCB (AISCB) 1Q22. AS will launch 3 mobile games before end of year, developing virtual reality (VR) games to capture growing […]

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MSCI Global Standard Indexes Additions: Carabao Group Public Company Limited (CBG) SCG Packaging Public Company Limited (SCGP) Deletion: KBANK-F shares Total Access Communication Public Company Limited (DTAC) MSCI Global Small Cap Indexes Additions: Absolute Clean Energy Public Company Limited (ACE) Precious Shipping Public Company Limited (PSL) Regional Container Lines Public Company Limited (RCL) Siam City […]

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BM anticipates solid turnaround 2H supported by recovery parts order from Kubota as workers migrated back from metro to province of domicile due to Covid, in talk Nestle to supply food trucks to create jobs for disables, Bt250m out of Bt500m backlog to realize in 4Q, expects to get more electrical conduit & telcos box […]

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BEM sees 10% ridership growth this year to 500K/day from extension of Blue Line, sets 25% revenue growth target next year, free trial run Blue line extension Hua Lamphong-Bang Khae MRT from Jul 29 – Sept 28, expects FY20 ridership +25% yoy. Comment: For BEM – specific to the MRT – it’s a scale game, […]

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SAMART set a revenue target of Bt20b for this year, 30-40% rise yoy. Comment: Seeing is believing CHG sees higher traffic from fine-dust particles related, sets 10-15% revenue growth target this year, mulls cancer medical center for social security patients. Comment: Shouldn’t every hospital benefit? LH’s firm on Bt33b presales target this year, to launch 6 new projects […]

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ANAN ANAN expects 3Q18 earnings to be outstanding and it expect transfers to increase in 4Q18. It plans to launch three property projects with total value of Bt6.86bn this year. It expects presales of Bt10.05bn and transfers of Bt18.51bn this year. (Thun Hoon, 5/11/18) Comment: But the overhang from the BOT announcement combined with a […]

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ITEL ITEL won high-speed internet projects for 3920 villages worth Bt1.8bn. It expects to book some portion of revenue this year. (Khao Hoon, 3/8/17) SCCC SCCC board approved dividend of Bt6 per share with XD on August 17. The total dividend payment is Bt1.79bn. Though 2Q17 earnings were only Bt796mn, it believes the country’s cement […]

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Well, so much for a speedy push through of infrastructure projects, the government decided to take over the SRT and redo the TOR for the inter-city dual track rail network projects that are worth an estimated ~THB 100 bn. Why? The public reason is to allow smaller firms to participate in the bidding and construction […]

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