Week 22/04 – 26/04 Corporate ctr.vn, fpt.vn, msn.vn, nvl.vn, vic.vn CTR VN: plans to pay cash dividends at a rate of 27.2% (VND311 bn); Development investment fund VND100 bn, bonus and welfare fund VND125 bn. Comment: Finally…….and this name is well positioned given the telco investments/capex. FPT VN: announced cooperation with Nvidia to promote AI […]

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Company ctg.vn, dig.vn, fpt.vn, hdb.vn, sab.vn, vhm.vn, vic.vn, vnm.vn, vbb.vn, vtr.vn CTG VN: aims, in 2023, to increase total assets by 5-10% YoY, increase charter capital to VND60,387 bn or over VND66,000 bn through the plan of issuing shares to pay dividends approved by competent authorities. DIG VN: stops offering 100 mn shares to raise […]

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Week 17/04 – 21/04 Companybaf.vn, eib.vn, fpt.vn, msn.vn, nlg.vn, nvl.vn, pdr.vn, phr.vn, pow.vn, pdv.vn, ssi.vn, vcb.vn, vhc.vn, vhm.vn, vgc.vn, vpb.vn, vre.vn BAF VN: announced implement the second public offering of bonds. In which, the second batch of bonds includes 3 mn bonds with total mobilized value of VND300 bn. Comment: Fingers crossed it all goes […]

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