Week 24/06 – 28/06 Financials Company: baf.vn, bcm.vn, lpb.vn, kbc.vn, hsg.vn, msb.vn, nlg.vn, nvl.vn, ssb.vn, vcg.vn, vnm.vn BAF VN: the State Securities Commission (SSC) issued a decision to sanction administrative violations in the field of securities and stock market for BAF. The total fine is VND242.5 mn. Comment: What? I thought this was a decent […]

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Week 27/05 – 31/05 cii.vn, dbc.vn, hbc.vn, hpg.vn, ita.vn, msn.vn, mwg.vn, nt2.vn, pow.vn, vcg.vn, vic.vn, Company CII VN: reported receiving the transfer of more than 7.8 mn NBB shares from CEE, increasing CII’s ownership ratio to nearly 50.4 mn shares, equivalent to 50.3% of capital. Comment: They’ve increased a stake in a … strange construction […]

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Week 09/04 – 12/04 Company hsg.vn, dgc.vn, hvn.vn, mwg.vn, pow.vn, vhc.vn, vic.vn, HSG VN: plans to pay cash dividends for the 2022-2023 at the rate of 5%. The last registration date is April 25th. DGC VN: spent more than VND253 bn to buy the assets of Dai Viet alcohol factory and will convert it into […]

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Week 04/03 – 08/03 Company cii.vn, dgw.vn, fpt.vn, gvr.vn, hsg.vn, kbc.vn, nab.vn, nvl.vn, vcg.vn, vtp.vn CII VN: registered to buy 5 mn shares to increase ownership at NBB. Expected transaction implementation time is from March 7th to April 5th, 2024. DGW VN: approved a short-term loan plan at TCB, maximum term of 4 months, total […]

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Week 06/11 – 10/11 fpt.vn, nvl.vn, pc1.vn, pdr.vn, stb.vn, vcg.vn, vic.vn, vjc.vn, Company FPT VN: announced the acquisition of Cardinal Peak – a 20-year-old technology service provider in the North American market. Comment: As a friend mentioned at lunch time, “Of course they are winning business in North Asia, the Japanese don’t want to work […]

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Week 02/10 – 06/10 cii.vn, ctd.vn, dxg.vn, hah.vn, hdb.vn, kdc.vn, kdh.vn, msn.vn, nvl.vn, nlg.vn, pow.vn, stb.vn, vcg.vn, vhm.vn, vic.vn, vgc.vn CORPORATE NEWS: CII VN: announced a public bond offering with an estimated amount of more than VND2,840 bn. Accordingly, the proceeds will be used to invest in bonds of two subsidiaries, BOT Ninh Thuan (VND1,200 […]

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Week 05/09 – 08/09 dxg.vn, nvl.vn, tar.vn, vcg.vn, vic.vn, vpb.vn, vnz.vn Company DXG VN: will offer nearly 102 mn shares to existing shareholders before private placement and ESOP. Also, Mr. Luong Tri Thin (Chairman of DXG) registered to sell 20 mn shares to support the company’s loan. Comment: So they are offering new shares…again…and then […]

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Week 21/08 – 25/08 Company BSR VN: In 6M 2023, PVOIL supplied BSR with a total of 28.3 mn barrels of crude oil, equivalent to 156,137 barrels/day for Dung Quat Oil Refinery to operate at 106% capacity; in which, Vietnam crude oil accounts for 74%, the rest is imported crude oil . CTD VN: approved the […]

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Week 07/08 – 11/08 acb.vn, bwe.vn, dig.vn, kdc.vn, hbc.vn, lpb.vn, stb.vn, vcg.vn, vic.vn, vjc.vn, vhm.vn Company ACB VN: Dragon Financial Holdings Limited sold 120.98 mn ACB shares on August 7, reducing its ownership rate from 6,9193% (268.75 mn shares) to 3,8046% (147.77 mn shares). After the transaction, Dragon Capital groups reduced its ownership rate in […]

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Week 27/03 – 31/03 asm.vn, bsr.vn, dxs.vn, fpt.vn, frt.vn, hax.vn, kbc.vn, msn.vn, mwg.vn, nvl.vn, tcb.vn, vci.vn, vpb.vn, vcg.vn Corporate ASM VN: plans to achieve net revenue of VND15,250 bn (+11% YoY). However, PAT is expected to reach VND545 bn (-43% YoY). Notably, ASM does not expect to pay dividends in 2022. BSR VN: is expected […]

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