Week 17/06 – 21/06 Financials FPT VN: recorded, in 5M2024, revenue of VND23,916 bn and PBT of VND4,313 bn (+20% YoY), completing 39% of revenue plan and 40% of profit plan. PNJ VN: estimated, in May, revenue of VND3,498 bn and PAT of VND136 bn. PNJ recorded, in 5M2024, revenue of VND19,547 bn and PAT […]

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Week 27/05 – 31/05 cii.vn, dbc.vn, hbc.vn, hpg.vn, ita.vn, msn.vn, mwg.vn, nt2.vn, pow.vn, vcg.vn, vic.vn, Company CII VN: reported receiving the transfer of more than 7.8 mn NBB shares from CEE, increasing CII’s ownership ratio to nearly 50.4 mn shares, equivalent to 50.3% of capital. Comment: They’ve increased a stake in a … strange construction […]

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Week 20/05 – 24/05 acb.vn, acv.vn, bcm.vn, bid.vn, cii.vn, dcm.vn, hbc.vn, idc.vn, lpb.vn, nlg.vn, nvl.vn Company ACB VN: June 3rd is the last registration day to receive 2023 cash dividends at the rate of 10% and stock dividends at the rate of 15%. ACB plans to pay cash dividends on June 13th. ACV VN: invested […]

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Week 30/10 – 03/11 Country News: Company News bcm.vn, bmp.vn, kbc.vn, kdh.vn, nvl.vn, tcb.vn BCM VN: approved capital contribution to increase charter capital for Vietnam – Singapore Industrial Park Joint Venture Company Limited (VSIP). Specifically, VSIP’s charter capital will be increased by VND1,056 bn, of which BCM will contribute more than VND517 bn. BMP VN: […]

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Week 16/10 – 20/10 acb.vn, hbc.vn, hdb.vn, pdr.vn, vhm.vn, vjc.vn Company ACB VN: wants to issue an additional VND5,000 bn of individual bonds. Previously, ACB approved the first private bond issuance plan with a total value of VND20,000 bn. Thus, if completed both times, ACB will mobilize VND25,000 bn through the individual bond. Comment: Perhaps […]

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Week 28/08 – 31/08 Company bsr.vn, cii.vn, ctg.vn, dxg.vn, gas.vn, hbc.vn, nvl.vn, pow.vn, sab.vn, tcm.vn, vic.vn, vng.vn BSR VN: estimated, in 8M2023, revenue of VND91,600 bn (-19% YoY) and PAT of VND4,400 bn, fulfilling 96% of the revenue target and 270% of the profit target in 2023. CII VN: wants to implement 6 more BOT […]

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Week 21/08 – 25/08 Company BSR VN: In 6M 2023, PVOIL supplied BSR with a total of 28.3 mn barrels of crude oil, equivalent to 156,137 barrels/day for Dung Quat Oil Refinery to operate at 106% capacity; in which, Vietnam crude oil accounts for 74%, the rest is imported crude oil . CTD VN: approved the […]

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Week 07/08 – 11/08 acb.vn, bwe.vn, dig.vn, kdc.vn, hbc.vn, lpb.vn, stb.vn, vcg.vn, vic.vn, vjc.vn, vhm.vn Company ACB VN: Dragon Financial Holdings Limited sold 120.98 mn ACB shares on August 7, reducing its ownership rate from 6,9193% (268.75 mn shares) to 3,8046% (147.77 mn shares). After the transaction, Dragon Capital groups reduced its ownership rate in […]

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Week 10/07 – 14/07 Company cii.vn, hbc.vn, hhv.vn, hvn.vn, pow.vn, vcb.vn, vhm.vn, CII VN: had a total of 2 early in June redemptions of bonds with a total value of VND640 bn for the CIIBOND2020-04 bond lot. Comment: They could really be a strong position going forward… HBC VN: plans to issue another 274 mn […]

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Week 26/06 – 30/06 cii.vn, dig.vn, dxg.vn, gex.vn, mwg.vn, kbc.vn, kdc.vn, hbc.vn, nvl.vn, pdr.vn, pnj.vn, pvd.vn, pvs.vn, Corporate CII VN: sold nearly 31.8 mn treasury shares at the price of VND17,757 /share with estimated value of nearly VND565 bn. Comment: Perhaps with this overhang gone could the shares re-rate? It’s perhaps one of the few […]

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