Week 10/06 – 14/06 Company bid.vn, csv.vn, ctr.vn, dbc.vn, kbc.vn, hdb.vn, hvn.vn, mwg.vn, pow.vn, tcm.vn, vib.vn, vic.vn, vhc.vn BID VN: plans to sell a batch of bonds with a total value of VND 3,741 bn as of April 15 issued by HAGL, the starting price will be equal to the bond value with interest at […]

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Week 27/05 – 31/05 cii.vn, dbc.vn, hbc.vn, hpg.vn, ita.vn, msn.vn, mwg.vn, nt2.vn, pow.vn, vcg.vn, vic.vn, Company CII VN: reported receiving the transfer of more than 7.8 mn NBB shares from CEE, increasing CII’s ownership ratio to nearly 50.4 mn shares, equivalent to 50.3% of capital. Comment: They’ve increased a stake in a … strange construction […]

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Week 15/04 – 19/04 Corporate – ctd.vn, gmd.vn, mwg.vn, hhv.vn, shb.vn Financials – ctr.vn, bcg.vn, bmp.vn, hax.vn, gil.vn, ppc.vn, pvd.vn, shb.vn, shs.vn, ssb.vn, ssi.vn Country

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Week 09/04 – 12/04 Company hsg.vn, dgc.vn, hvn.vn, mwg.vn, pow.vn, vhc.vn, vic.vn, HSG VN: plans to pay cash dividends for the 2022-2023 at the rate of 5%. The last registration date is April 25th. DGC VN: spent more than VND253 bn to buy the assets of Dai Viet alcohol factory and will convert it into […]

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Week 18/03 – 22/03 Company ctr.vn. gmd.vn, hcm.vn, kbc.vn, mwg.vn, pdr.vn, pnj.vn, tcb.vn, tcm.vn, vic.vn, CTR VN: estimated, in February, revenue of VND834 bn (+4% YoY) and PBT of VND44.6 bn (-4% YoY). For 2M2024, CTR is estimated to reach VND1,703 bn in revenue and VND94.3 bn in PBT (+9% and +6% respectively YoY), completing […]

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Week 26/02 – 01/03 CORPORATE NEWS – ctg.vn, gvr.vn, kdh.vn, hax.vn, hcm.vn, mwg.vn, nvl.vn, pvt.vn, szc.vn, vic.vn CTG VN: wants to retain more than VND16,400 bn in profit in 2022 to pay dividends in shares. Comment: ………….. someone has to do an exercise to see how many shares have been issued by vietnamese companies as […]

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Week 04/12 – 08/12 ctd.vn, dxg.vn, hah.vn, hdb.vn, msn.vn, mwg.vn, fpt.vn, sab.vn, tng.vn, vhc.vn, vgc.vn, vjc.vn Company CTD VN: announced a resolution approving the policy of acquiring 100% capital of a company operating in the mechanical and electrical field. DXG VN: will finalize the list of shareholders to offer nearly 102 mn shares on December […]

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Week 13/11 – 17/11 acb.vn, fpt.vn, gex.vn, hhv.vn, mwg.vn, nvl.vn, Company ACB VN: was rated stable outlook by Fitch and Moody’s. FPT VN: recorded, in October, revenue of VND4,538 bn and PAT of VND665 bn. For 10M2023, FPT recorded revenue of VND42,465 bn (+21% YoY) and PAT of VND 5,407 bn (+18.8% YoY), completing 81.2% […]

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Week 30/10 – 03/11 Country News: Company News bcm.vn, bmp.vn, kbc.vn, kdh.vn, nvl.vn, tcb.vn BCM VN: approved capital contribution to increase charter capital for Vietnam – Singapore Industrial Park Joint Venture Company Limited (VSIP). Specifically, VSIP’s charter capital will be increased by VND1,056 bn, of which BCM will contribute more than VND517 bn. BMP VN: […]

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Week 09/10 – 13/10 bid.vn, ctd.vn, ctr.vn, dgw.vn, hdb.vn, kdc.vn, mwg.vn, nvl.vn, pdr.vn, pc1.vn, tdm.vn, vic.vn Company BID VN: approved a plan to issue shares to pay stock dividends at the rate of 12.69% (equivalent to 642 mn additional shares). Comment: YAY MORE SHARES ISSUED – and people wonder why we dumped a lot of […]

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