Week 09/04 – 12/04 Company hsg.vn, dgc.vn, hvn.vn, mwg.vn, pow.vn, vhc.vn, vic.vn, HSG VN: plans to pay cash dividends for the 2022-2023 at the rate of 5%. The last registration date is April 25th. DGC VN: spent more than VND253 bn to buy the assets of Dai Viet alcohol factory and will convert it into […]

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Week 26/02 – 01/03 CORPORATE NEWS – ctg.vn, gvr.vn, kdh.vn, hax.vn, hcm.vn, mwg.vn, nvl.vn, pvt.vn, szc.vn, vic.vn CTG VN: wants to retain more than VND16,400 bn in profit in 2022 to pay dividends in shares. Comment: ………….. someone has to do an exercise to see how many shares have been issued by vietnamese companies as […]

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Week 04/12 – 08/12 ctd.vn, dxg.vn, hah.vn, hdb.vn, msn.vn, mwg.vn, fpt.vn, sab.vn, tng.vn, vhc.vn, vgc.vn, vjc.vn Company CTD VN: announced a resolution approving the policy of acquiring 100% capital of a company operating in the mechanical and electrical field. DXG VN: will finalize the list of shareholders to offer nearly 102 mn shares on December […]

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Week 02/10 – 06/10 cii.vn, ctd.vn, dxg.vn, hah.vn, hdb.vn, kdc.vn, kdh.vn, msn.vn, nvl.vn, nlg.vn, pow.vn, stb.vn, vcg.vn, vhm.vn, vic.vn, vgc.vn CORPORATE NEWS: CII VN: announced a public bond offering with an estimated amount of more than VND2,840 bn. Accordingly, the proceeds will be used to invest in bonds of two subsidiaries, BOT Ninh Thuan (VND1,200 […]

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Week 12/06 – 16/06 Company acb.vn, ctr.vn, hah.vn, hax.vn, hdb.vn, hsg.vn, gex.vn, gmd.vn, lpb.vn, mwg.vn, nvl.vn, pdr.vn, plx.vn, ree.vn, vhc.vn, vib.vn, vic.vn ACB VN: issued a resolution on early redemption of the 4th private placement bond in 2021 (including ACBH2124005, ACBH2124006, ACBH2124011 and ACBH2124012) with a maximum par value of VND10,000 bn. Comment: Now whilst […]

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Period: 09/01 – 13/01 bid.vn, bsr.vn, dcm.vn, hah.vn, hbc.vn, msn.vn, mwg.vn, plx.vn, ree.vn, tpb.vn, vcb.vn, vgc.vn Corporate News BID VN: recorded, in 2022, consolidated PBT of VND23,190 bn and total assets of more than VND2.08 mn bn (+21% YoY) and the first commercial bank to surpass this milestone. BSR VN: achieved, in 2022, a total […]

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Week 12/12 – 16/12 hax.vn, vhc.vn, hah.vn, fcn.vn, nvl.vn, tvb.vn, kdc.vn, kdc.vn, kido.vn Corporate FCN: FECON secured VND400b contract in Haiphong seaport (Baolaodong) HAH VN: estimated, in 2022, to reach VND3,145 bn in revenue (+61% YoY), exceeding 32% of the year plan. Net profit is estimated at VND835 bn (+87% YoY), completing 152% of the […]

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KDC VN Equity Star Pacifica Pte. Ltd. bought 3.12mn KDC shares on Feb 24, thus increasing its stake from 4.97% to 6.21% and becoming a major shareholder of KDC. Comment: Great confectionary business, did well during covid due to the lockdowns and people ordering more at home, business unlikely to go anywhere for a few […]

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{CII VN Equity}  VIAC (No. 1) Ltd Partnership, which relates to BoD member Nguyen Hong Son, registered to sell 5.5mn CII shares via order matching and block trade methods from Feb 25 to Mar 25. If successful, its stake would be decreased from 3.01% to 0.71% (1.69mn shares). Comment: Here’s the amusing thing in VN, […]

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