Week 22/07 – 26/07 Company: bcg.vn, vic.vn, vjc.vn BCG VN: begins construction on a waste incineration plant to generate electricity in Ho Chi Minh City, expected to put on operation by the end of 2025. VIC VN: transferred all ownership shares at VinFa Joint Stock Company. Comment: Hmmmmmmm is it time to pump VIC? VJC […]

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Week 15/04 – 19/04 Corporate – ctd.vn, gmd.vn, mwg.vn, hhv.vn, shb.vn Financials – ctr.vn, bcg.vn, bmp.vn, hax.vn, gil.vn, ppc.vn, pvd.vn, shb.vn, shs.vn, ssb.vn, ssi.vn Country

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Week 09/04 – 12/04 Company hsg.vn, dgc.vn, hvn.vn, mwg.vn, pow.vn, vhc.vn, vic.vn, HSG VN: plans to pay cash dividends for the 2022-2023 at the rate of 5%. The last registration date is April 25th. DGC VN: spent more than VND253 bn to buy the assets of Dai Viet alcohol factory and will convert it into […]

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Week 30/10 – 03/11 Country News: Company News bcm.vn, bmp.vn, kbc.vn, kdh.vn, nvl.vn, tcb.vn BCM VN: approved capital contribution to increase charter capital for Vietnam – Singapore Industrial Park Joint Venture Company Limited (VSIP). Specifically, VSIP’s charter capital will be increased by VND1,056 bn, of which BCM will contribute more than VND517 bn. BMP VN: […]

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Week 25/09 – 29/09 bcg.vn, bmp.vn, ctd.vn, hdb.vn, kbc.vn, mwg.vn, nvl.vn, pdr.vn, vjc.vn, vpb.vn Corporate BCG VN: BCG Land (a subsidiary of BCG) was forced to pay VND32 bn in taxes. BMP VN: received a penalty and tax collection decision from the General Department of Taxation issued on September 13th with a total amount of […]

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Week 05/06 – 09/06 Company anv.vn, bcg.vn, bcm.vn, bwe.vn, fmc.vn, hdb.vn, kdc.vn, kdh.vn, mbb.vn, tcb.vn, vcb.vn, vnd.vn ANV VN: plans to issue more than 133 mn shares to existing shareholders, equivalent to 100% of outstanding shares. The right exercise ratio is 1:1. BCG VN: announced to sell more than 21 mn shares out of a […]

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Week 10/04 – 14/04 Company acb.vn, anv.vn, bcg.vn, bsr.vn,  bwe.vn, dgc.vn,  dig.vn,  fcn.vn, fmc.vn,  gvr.vn, hbc.vn, hvn.vn,  kbc.vn,  mpc.vn, mwg.vn,  pan.vn,  pnj.vn, ree.vn,  shb.vn, vhm.vn, ACB VN: recorded, in 1Q2023, PBT of VND5,120 bn (+24% YoY), reaching 26% of the whole year plan. In 2023, ACB sets PBT target of VND20,058 bn (+17.2% YoY) and […]

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Week 20/02 – 24/02 acb.vn, baf.vn, bcg.vn, bwe.vn, dgw.vn, dxg.vn, hvn.vn, mwg.vn, nvl.vn, pnj.vn, vhm.vn, vic.vn Corporate ACB VN: Dragon Capital bought a total of 4 mn ACB shares through member funds, bringing the total number of shares held to 272.3 mn shares, equivalent to the ownership rate at ACB of 8.06%. BAF VN: approved […]

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Week 13/02 – 17/02 bcg.vn, bwe.vn, dgw.vn, kdc.vn, hax.vn, hvn.vn, msn.vn, nvl.vn, pc1.vn, pow.vn, stb.vn, vhc.vn, Company BCG VN: adjusted the plan to use VND2,667 bn in which BCG will cut off all the additional capital poured into AAA Insurance and use the money to lend to real estate companies. Comment: Capital allocation in VN […]

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Week 05/12 – 09/12 vgc.vn, nvl.vn, pdr.vn , bcg.vn, kbc.vn, hpg.vn, nt2.vn, acb.vn, hdb.vn Corporate News ACB VN: is the latest member in the Vietnamese banking system to have completed risk management in accordance with Basel III standards. Comment: Perhaps 1 of 2 banks that you could buy and close your eyes and not worry […]

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