Week 10/06 – 14/06 Company bid.vn, csv.vn, ctr.vn, dbc.vn, kbc.vn, hdb.vn, hvn.vn, mwg.vn, pow.vn, tcm.vn, vib.vn, vic.vn, vhc.vn BID VN: plans to sell a batch of bonds with a total value of VND 3,741 bn as of April 15 issued by HAGL, the starting price will be equal to the bond value with interest at […]

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Week 20/05 – 24/05 acb.vn, acv.vn, bcm.vn, bid.vn, cii.vn, dcm.vn, hbc.vn, idc.vn, lpb.vn, nlg.vn, nvl.vn Company ACB VN: June 3rd is the last registration day to receive 2023 cash dividends at the rate of 10% and stock dividends at the rate of 15%. ACB plans to pay cash dividends on June 13th. ACV VN: invested […]

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Week 30/10 – 03/11 Country News: Company News bcm.vn, bmp.vn, kbc.vn, kdh.vn, nvl.vn, tcb.vn BCM VN: approved capital contribution to increase charter capital for Vietnam – Singapore Industrial Park Joint Venture Company Limited (VSIP). Specifically, VSIP’s charter capital will be increased by VND1,056 bn, of which BCM will contribute more than VND517 bn. BMP VN: […]

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Week 23/10 – 27/10 bid.vn, cii.vn, kbc.vn, pdr.vn, ssi.vn, vhm.vn, vpb.vn, Company BID VN: plans to increase its charter capital by a maximum of VND6,419 bn through issuing shares to pay stock dividends in 2021 at the rate of 12.69%. BID VN: successfully issued VND2,500 bn in bonds to finance environmental projects. CII VN: announced […]

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Week 09/10 – 13/10 bid.vn, ctd.vn, ctr.vn, dgw.vn, hdb.vn, kdc.vn, mwg.vn, nvl.vn, pdr.vn, pc1.vn, tdm.vn, vic.vn Company BID VN: approved a plan to issue shares to pay stock dividends at the rate of 12.69% (equivalent to 642 mn additional shares). Comment: YAY MORE SHARES ISSUED – and people wonder why we dumped a lot of […]

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Week 11/09 – 15/09 bid.vn, ctr.vn, eib.vn, gas.vn, fpt.vn, hvn.vn, nvl.vn, ocb.vn, pnj.vn, vic.vn, vjc.vn, vpb.vn, Company BID VN: announced a plan to issue private bonds worth VND2,500 bn in 2023. CTR VN: recorded, in August, net revenue of VND1,013 bn (+17% YoY) and PBT of nearly VND59 bn (+7% YoY). For 8M2023, CTR’s net […]

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Period: 09/01 – 13/01 bid.vn, bsr.vn, dcm.vn, hah.vn, hbc.vn, msn.vn, mwg.vn, plx.vn, ree.vn, tpb.vn, vcb.vn, vgc.vn Corporate News BID VN: recorded, in 2022, consolidated PBT of VND23,190 bn and total assets of more than VND2.08 mn bn (+21% YoY) and the first commercial bank to surpass this milestone. BSR VN: achieved, in 2022, a total […]

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CORPORATE NEWS: bid.vn, ctg.vn, dxg.vn, fmc.vn, hvn.vn, kbc.vn, hpg.vn, gmd.vn, mbb.vn, mwg.vn, nlg.vn BID VN: will offer VND2,500 bn of 7-year bonds, VND1,000 bn of 8-year bonds and VND500 bn of 10-year bonds. Expected release time is from December 2022 to January 2023. Comment: First q, at what coupon rate? CTG VN: issued a resolution […]

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